How High Schools Can Benefit from Touchless Sanitizing Solutions

Sep 21, 2024

In today's world, we face growing concerns about public health and safety, especially in high-traffic areas like schools. Touchless sanitizing solutions are causing a revolution in how we approach hand hygiene and infection control in educational settings. These innovative technologies offer a more effective and user-friendly way to maintain cleanliness, addressing the unique challenges that traditional hand hygiene methods often struggle with in busy school environments.

We'll explore how touchless technology is transforming school sanitization and improving hygiene compliance. We'll look at key areas for implementing automatic hand sanitizer dispensers and touch-free hand sanitizers. We'll also discuss ways to overcome potential obstacles and address concerns about adopting these new hygiene technologies. By the end, you'll understand why touchless cleaning solutions are becoming essential for enhancing health and safety in high schools across the country, including in Canada where touchless soap dispensers are gaining popularity.

Understanding the Challenges of Traditional Hand Hygiene Methods

We've all been taught the importance of hand hygiene, but traditional methods often fall short in practice, especially in high-traffic areas like schools. Let's explore some of the key challenges we face with conventional hand hygiene approaches.

Limitations of manual dispensers

Manual hand sanitizer dispensers, while common, have significant drawbacks. The main issue is that they require physical contact to operate, which can lead to the spread of pathogens. Studies have shown that infected individuals may contaminate the dispenser, potentially triggering hospital-acquired infections . This is particularly concerning in healthcare settings, where preventing the spread of disease is crucial.

Even automated pushbutton dispensers, which are often found in healthcare facilities, can become contamination hotspots . This has led to a shift towards touchless sanitizers, especially in developed countries, to reduce the risk of pathogen transmission .

Compliance issues among students

One of the biggest challenges we face is getting students to consistently practice good hand hygiene. Studies have revealed alarmingly low adherence rates to recommended handwashing practices, ranging from just 1.8% to 78%, depending on the population and context . This is particularly concerning for primary school children in rural areas, who may have poor hand hygiene habits and be more susceptible to foodborne parasitic diseases .

Research has shown that only a small percentage of students frequently wash their hands before meals and after using the toilet, both at home and at school . This lack of proper hand hygiene can lead to the spread of fecal-oral transmission diseases within schools, as close contact between students with poor hand hygiene practices is a primary cause of such outbreaks .

Maintenance and waste concerns

Traditional hand hygiene methods also present maintenance and waste challenges. For instance, businesses, schools, and other organizations often acquire large amounts of hand sanitizer, much of which expires before use . This creates a disposal problem, as expired hand sanitizer is considered hazardous waste due to its high alcohol content .

Proper disposal of expired hand sanitizer is crucial. It should not be poured down the drain or thrown in the regular trash, as this violates Clean Water Act regulations and hazardous waste disposal guidelines . Instead, expired hand sanitizer must be managed as hazardous waste, which involves sending it to a permitted hazardous waste disposal facility and following all applicable regulations .

To address these challenges, we at So Pure Products ( offer touchless sanitizing solutions that help overcome many of these issues. Our products are designed to improve hygiene compliance, reduce maintenance concerns, and minimize waste. By implementing these innovative solutions, we can enhance hand hygiene practices in schools and other high-traffic areas, ultimately contributing to better public health and safety.

How Touchless Technology Revolutionizes School Sanitization

Sensor-based dispensing systems

We're seeing a significant shift in how schools approach sanitization with the introduction of sensor-based dispensing systems. These innovative solutions offer a hands-free way to maintain hygiene, which is crucial in high-traffic areas like educational institutions. Automatic commercial faucets, for instance, use infrared sensors to detect the presence of hands, triggering water flow without any physical contact . This technology extends beyond just faucets to include soap dispensers, hand dryers, and even urinal controls, creating a comprehensive touchless restroom experience .

The benefits of these systems are substantial. By minimizing the need for physical contact, we're significantly reducing the risk of cross-contamination and the spread of illnesses within the school community . This is particularly important in the context of preventing the transmission of viruses like COVID-19 and other common pathogens that can quickly spread in close-quarter environments like schools.

Integration with smart school systems

The revolution in school sanitization goes beyond just individual devices. We're now seeing the integration of these touchless solutions into broader smart school systems. For example, smart handwashing stations have been developed that not only dispense soap and water touchlessly but also incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) approaches to track usage and collect data . In a field test conducted in an Australian school during the COVID-19 pandemic, such a station was used 1,138 times over 10 days, with no COVID-19 transmission reported at the school during this period .

These smart systems offer several advantages:

  1. Data collection: They provide valuable insights into hand hygiene practices, which can be crucial for public health authorities .
  2. Mobility: Many of these stations are designed to be easily moved and deployed in various configurations, allowing schools to adapt to changing needs .
  3. Resource efficiency: By automating the process, these systems remove the need for additional staffing during deployment and data collection .

Customizable dispensing options

One of the key features making touchless sanitizing solutions so effective in schools is their customizability. These systems can be adapted to dispense various products, from soap and water to alcohol-based hand sanitizers and even moisturizers with UV-fluorescent compounds for hand hygiene training . This flexibility allows schools to tailor their sanitization approach to their specific needs and circumstances.

Moreover, automatic dispensers are designed to release a precise amount of product each time, reducing waste and ensuring consistent hygiene practices . This not only makes them more environmentally friendly but also more cost-effective in the long run.


Key Areas for Touchless Sanitizer Implementation

We've identified several crucial areas where touchless sanitizing solutions can have the most significant impact on enhancing high school safety. By strategically placing these devices, we can maximize their effectiveness and encourage consistent use among students and staff.

Entrances and exits

One of the most critical locations for touchless sanitizer dispensers is at the entrances and exits of school buildings. This placement serves two essential purposes. First, it provides a layer of biosecurity by allowing people to clean their hands upon arrival. Second, it offers an opportunity for visitors and staff to sanitize their hands before leaving the building, removing any germs they may have picked up during their time inside .

For optimal coverage, we recommend placing at least one fixture per entrance and exit. If the entrance leads to a lobby larger than 2,000 square feet (186 meters), it's advisable to include an additional fixture centrally located within the space . This ensures easy access for everyone entering or exiting the building.

Cafeterias and common areas

Cafeterias and other common areas are high-traffic zones where maintaining hand hygiene is crucial. These spaces are often used for eating and drinking, making hand sanitization particularly important. We suggest locating at least one sanitizing fixture per entrance to lounge areas and cafeterias . This strategic placement encourages students and staff to clean their hands before handling food or touching shared surfaces.

In addition to cafeterias, other common areas such as meeting rooms and conference spaces can benefit from touchless sanitizer dispensers. These rooms often host visitors and facilitate handshakes, increasing the risk of germ transmission. By placing a dispenser near the door, we remind people to disinfect their hands before and after meetings, helping to contain the spread of germs .

Classrooms and laboratories

Classrooms and laboratories are essential areas for implementing touchless sanitizing solutions. These spaces see high traffic and frequent touching of shared surfaces, making them potential hotspots for germ transmission. By placing dispensers in or near classrooms and labs, we provide students and teachers with easy access to hand sanitization throughout the day.

For maximum efficiency, we recommend positioning dispensers in high-visibility areas where they're likely to be noticed and used regularly . This could include near doorways, by commonly used equipment, or in areas where students frequently gather.

At So Pure Products (, Check wide range of touchless sanitizers and other cleaning products that can be best to meet the unique needs of different school environments. 

Addressing Concerns and Overcoming Obstacles

Initial cost considerations

We understand that implementing touchless sanitizing solutions in schools can seem like a significant investment at first. However, it's essential to consider the long-term benefits and potential cost savings. By investing in these technologies, we can create a healthier environment that may reduce student absenteeism due to illness. Studies have shown that elementary school absenteeism due to infection is significantly reduced when alcohol gel hand sanitizers are used in classrooms as part of a hand hygiene program .

To address budget concerns, we can explore various funding options. For instance, considering that EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) assessments have been canceled for two years, there may be savings that could be redirected towards improving school hygiene . 

Training and adaptation period

Introducing new technologies often requires a period of adaptation. To ensure a smooth transition, we recommend implementing a comprehensive training program for staff, students, and parents. This training should cover the importance of hand hygiene, proper use of touchless dispensers, and the overall benefits of these new systems.

We can facilitate this process by creating a supportive environment for WASH-friendly schools. This might include forming a coalition of public and nongovernmental groups to coordinate and implement the program, and developing agreed-upon criteria for WASH-friendly schools . By involving all stakeholders - teachers, parents, students, and administrators - we can build a team of champions who understand and promote the importance of these new hygiene practices .

Ensuring consistent supply and maintenance

One of the key concerns in implementing touchless sanitizing solutions is maintaining a consistent supply of sanitizer and ensuring proper maintenance of the dispensers. To address this, we recommend several strategies:

  1. Opt for automated touchless hand hygiene dispensers with visible indicators for low battery or empty cartridges. These features help staff quickly identify and address any issues .
  2. Implement a regular maintenance schedule to check and refill dispensers, ensuring they're always operational.
  3. Consider installing drip trays or mats beneath dispensers to catch excess sanitizer, preventing floor damage and maintaining a clean appearance .
  4. Invest in IoT-connected dispensers that can send alerts to staff when they require attention, such as battery replacement or refilling .
  5. Train custodial staff on proper maintenance procedures and increase their numbers if necessary to manage the additional hygiene measures .

By addressing these concerns proactively, we can ensure the successful implementation of touchless sanitizing solutions in schools. 


Touchless sanitizing solutions are transforming how schools approach hygiene and safety. These innovative technologies offer a more effective way to maintain cleanliness, addressing the unique challenges of busy school environments. By implementing automatic hand sanitizer dispensers in key areas like entrances, cafeterias, and classrooms, schools can significantly improve hand hygiene practices and reduce the spread of germs.

As we continue to face public health challenges, touchless cleaning solutions will play a vital role in keeping our educational institutions safe and clean.